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1st RedIF-ISoP Local Event
April 22th to 27th, 2019 | Montevideo, Uruguay
Pharmacometrics Analysis with Nlmixr
Registration: Closed
About the event
Two important activities were conducted in Montevideo, Uruguay, organized by the local RedIF group. Starting in April 22, a 5-day course on pharmacometric analysis with nlmixr was given by Drs. Mirjam N. Trame and Wenping Wang from Novartis and the nlmixr Development Team. The course was directed to PhD candidates and researchers from Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina, and included an introduction to R for pharmacometrics and several hours of hands-on with these open-source tools that stand as key to support educational and research activities in our region. Twenty-one attendees were part of the training activity which was free of charge, involving eight participants from Brazil (5 PhD candidates), 2 from Argentina (1 PhD candidate) and 11 from Uruguay (8 PhD candidates).
The aim of the meeting was to advance the discussion around how Modeling and Simulation can push forward the development of drugs, therapeutic strategies, and basic research in pharmacology and pharmaceutical innovation in Latin America. Four talks given by Manuel Ibarra (UDELAR), Mirjam Trame (Novartis), Wenping Wang (Novartis) and Lawrence Lesko (UF) were directed to a broad audience of 50 attendees which covered an important spectrum including the local Pharmaceutical Industry, regulators from Uruguay’s Ministry of Health, professionals from the clinical setting and researchers from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
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