Precision Dosing
August 17th | Guadalajara, Mexico
Pharmacometry, beyond monitoring
Registration: is CLOSED
About the event
The forum will feature keynote lectures, and focused seminars. We have designed a versatile program around the main theme of Precision Dosing: Pharmacometry beyond monitoring. This theme was chosen to highlight the objectives of the Civil Hospitals and the Iberoamerican Network of Pharmacometrics, one of whose objectives is to expand the discipline in Latin America to the health sector.
About the speakers
Hugo Romo Rubio
Vicepresidente de MAS Hospital Civil de Guadalajara "I. Menchaca"/México
Getora dela Unidad de Monitoreo de Medicamentos. Univ. de la República/Uruguay
Juan E. Reséndiz
Postdoctoral Research Fellow/University of Cape Town/South Africa
Jorge Duconge
Vicedecano de Investigación y Programas de Postgrado/Puerto Rico
Susanna Medellín
Profesora, Coordinación del PE en Químico Farmacobiólogo UASLP/México
Monzerrat Pardo
Responsable Monitorización. Hospital Civil “I. Menchaca”/México.
Iñaki Trocóniz
Farmacometría y Farmacología de Sistemas. UNAV/España